Category Archives: Zoey

Hold on to your socks


I’m actually updating the blog with pictures!

We have a few from Thanksgiving.  We went to Mark and Lori’s for Thanksgiving Eve and Thanksgiving Day.  Everyone had a good time till it was time for the big meal.  Then a certain short person decided he was not ready to be awake and went back to bed.  Once he really woke up it went much better.


With playing hard, comes falling hard.  Usually Peter is pretty graceful at falling but this time he crashed right on his face.  He got a nice fat lip.  While sitting with dad, he held his ice and for some reason felt the glasses would help.

3-fat lip

The family celebrated Thanksgiving part two with the Sackett side.  Peter was up, down, and everywhere the entire time.  I don’t think he even stopped to really eat.  He did stop to play a little dice with Leslie though.


And just for good measure, he decided to model his boots.


That brought us to December.  We went to visit Santa at the lodge.  Peter was good with him from afar but when it came time to actually sit on his lap, he wanted nothing to do with him.  He was too busy trying to get free rather than take a picture.  He did like the cookies though.


We tried to take some photos of the kid and the dog for our Christmas cards.  The plan went a lot smoother in my head but we managed to take a few fun shots.  Most of them were of one or both of them running away.


A separate day we had another photo shoot.  This one was for a calendar we made.  Each month Peter got a new outfit and new props appropriate to the month.  It took all day and three adults to get it done but it was fun.  One of the side shots was Peter and Dustin together.


After all that hard work, some people like to relax with a nice beverage.


With December came snow.  The whole family went out to shovel/play.


Christmas season came.  Along with it came parties.  We went to Paul and Donna’s for Christmas Eve, Santa came to our house in the morning, and we spent Christmas Day at Jim and Sherry’s house.  We also got to celebrate with the Sackett side.  He had a really good time with the new tee ball set and pointing.  We rounded out the festivities back and Paul and Donna’s house.

8-fam9-oh yeah!10-puzzle12-dog13-point14-yeah15-sweet16-bat17-group18-tired19-open

Finally, Peter spent some quality time New Year’s Eve with Jim.  As a result, he is now an avid piano player and came home with a keyboard.


Now we’re into January already!  Today Bethy, Peter, and I are going to go celebrate Martin Luther King Jr and my birthday by going to the children’s museum.  There might just be some pictures of that soon 🙂

October happenings so far


Towards the end of September Donna, Paul, Drew, Dustin, and I were up at the cabin.  It was the Gandy’s big celebration.  The day ended up being a mini-tour.  We finished out the day at the Gandy and then came home tired and done.


Peter is a really good eater.  He’ll eat everything but a few green items.  Well that is until he discovered frozen peas.  He couldn’t eat them fast enough.  I guess I know how to get some green in him.

1-Frozen Peas2-So Yummy3-Party in my Tummy

We got snow!


Dustin celebrated his birthday so I made him a cake.  He got to pick whatever flavor he wanted.  He picked german chocolate.  I did have for him and put regular chocolate frosting on my half.

3-Happy Birthday

It was a sad, sad day when the boat came out of the lake.  Dustin, Donna, Scoop and I took the last ride to the landing and it was cold.  Paul met us with the truck and trailer and out it went.  Dustin and Zoey rode on the boat back to the cabin.  It’s now hibernating for the winter under the roof.

1-last boat ride2-out of the water3-on the trailer4-hold on5-roof

After the boat came out, we were able to start our annual tavern tour.  This year we started at Hillside.  We then went to a lovely bridge to have lunch on the side of the road.  Next we went to Rosenthals.  Tami was celebrating her 40th birthday.  We played with the trivia cards at Roamers (even though it’s not really called Roamers anymore.)  The Shop had tasty appetizers.  Just ask Donna about the mushrooms.  Finally, we rounded the day out at the Crow Bar.  Once we got back to the cabin, there was suppose to be a post party but the other people never made it.  Overall, it was a great day.


9-Shelves are dangerous10-rosenthals11-roamers12-the shop13-crow bar

Peter got a bunch of fun Halloween gifts from a Halloween gift exchange.  He got a sweet hat and gloves, some really cute outfits, and a big green pumpkin bucket.  His favorite was to put the fruit snack packets he got in and out of the bucket.  He didn’t realize until later that there was goodness in the packets.  We also put the fun pumpkin and spider window clings on our front window.

1-what is it2-stuff3-pumpkins4-loot5-fruit snacks

Zoey got a haircut.  She looks and smells awesome now!  She even got pretty pink bows.


And to round out the post, here are some fun pictures of Peter hammering.

1-hammer2-so close

Roommate Weekend


It was that time once again.  221A re-united for some cabin fun.  Elliott, Lindsay, Kart, Kristen, Jon, Nicole, Lon, Jessica, Dan, Alicia, and Brayden all joined Dustin, Peter, Paul, Donna, and I for the weekend (and a passle of dogs).  There was lots of knowledge shared, with a few beverages too.  We spent lots of time around the campfire and on the boat.  I think the paddle boat got the most use it has yet.  Brayden even caught a fish.  Overall, it was a fun weekend!

Once everyone departed, we got to enjoy a little quiet time with just the three of us, and one visit from the dear old deer.

We actually didn’t get that many pictures of the weekend so if anyone else has some good ones to share, that would be great.


Paul, Paul, and Peter (along with some others)


Dustin helped Paul (Pop pop) with some antenna work at the cabin a few weekends ago.  I’m not sure what the ultimate goal was but they lifted it and moved it.  Paul did something to it on the roof and then they put it back.  I guess it was a success.

Paul (Wenzel) and Sarah were able to come to the cabin for a sort of weekend (Sunday through Tuesday).  They brought Sophie with them and we all had a good time.  Tanner (the local deer) came to visit again.  He must have left the little lady back at home.  He bonded with Peter for a little while after showing some interest in his breakfast.  We also made it to the sand bar for some fun in the sun and water.  Everyone, including the dogs, had a good time splashing around.

Peter went in for his 13 month appointment with the doctor.  He’s doing great and everything is right on track.  He’s 22.5 pounds of fury.  Poor thing got two shots, one in each leg, though and wasn’t a fan of either.  Then he had to go to the lab and have his finger pricked for a blood draw.  That wasn’t much fun either.  Afterwards Peter got some quality time hanging out with mom, even though the lure of Sesame street is a big one.


4th of July Weekend


We had a very nice weekend up at the cabin.  Peter had lots of fun playing in the dirt and with Zoey, although they don’t always share the best.  We went into town to watch the parade.  It was a beautiful and hot day.  The parade was a little special but it was fun none the less.  We did see some awesome fireworks too but I’ll let Dustin pick what pictures he wants to put up of those.
