Monthly Archives: June 2018

Happy Father’s Day


I am so fortunate to have a dad who has always been there for me. He has a gentle heart, warm hands, and the best laugh.

When he got to go from dad to YaYa, it’s amazing to see my boys share his love as well.

I married an amazing man who gets to be dad to two boys. Their relationship is special and is ever growing and changing as our boys grow and mature. It makes my heart proud to see them together.

Happy Father’s day to all the dad’s out there!

Peter’s birthday


My beautiful baby, who has taken his sweet time in everything (even right from the start)… who had always marched to his own beat… who has finished everything with flair… who has always striven to please… who has loved (and cried) with his whole heart… is 10 years old today.

My heart is somehow bursting and breaking all at once. It’s hard to believe 10 years can go so quickly. It feels like just a blink ago that we were bringing this little being home, terrified at the unknown. There were plenty of long nights that I wished time would just go faster. I’m sad that the little chubby cheeks are gone though. He’s starting to become independent and will soon be too cool for his mom. But in that same breathe, I realize how amazing he has become. I can’t wait to see what adventures await this brave, smart, and bold boy. I’m confident he will make his mark on this world and am so proud to help mold and foster him as he grows.

Happy birthday to my sweet Peter Stanley!