Author Archives: Annie

Just your typical Wednesday Morning


This is what it looks like when we stay home because the short one has strep…


Also, the tall one recently worked on drawing and labeling each of our family members.  I was looking through the pictures and noticed he drew his favorite stuffed dog as well.  I love his labeling skills!


I’m already running out of spoons for the day…



Spoon Theory

This summer with the heat has been tough.





The biggest and best consumers of my spoons would be these two- who have been very busy all summer long…

9 Years!


9 years

When I think back… by now I always thought I’d know more, have done more, and have more.

Now, when I look at the man I married 9 years ago, the life we’ve created together, and the family we have I realize I don’t need any more… I already have it all